So, here I am, finally with a new blog. I don't know that I'm in the right frame of mind for writing and making this interesting, but I'll do my best. Last weekend (August 29-31) Rob and I worked the Road Atlanta Superbike event. I flew in to Atlanta early on Thursday. It hasbeen a little while since I flew (a while being about 6 weeks), and I realized I didn't really miss it. Actually, the flying I really like. It's the airport stuff that I do not care for. Fortunately, the ticketing and security lines were fairly short. I made it to my gate with plenty of, if not too much, time to spare. Boarding went smoothly, everything was good. Then we pulled away from the gate only to be told that we were 18th in line for take off. EIGHTEENTH. Welcome to the lovely Philadelphia airport. It seems that in the past year these kind of waits have become the norm. I'm just not a very patient person when it comes to that kind of stuff. Obviously in this situation there was nothing I could to about it, so I just took a nap for most of the wait.I knew that when I got to Atlanta, it was going to be hot. What I wasn't prepared for was the humidity. Up until that point, we'd had a pretty decent summer in PA. Some humid days, but it definitely hasn't felt as hot and humid as normal. The humidity and...(Click to read more)